От 18

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Cock to Cock sonde - Straight Shooter Buddy sonde

Който дойде пръв, е победител! Насладете се на неописуемото еротично усещане за безусловна интимност с партньора си, защото Cock-To-Cock-Sound е продукт, който може да се използва от двама!



на разположение


    Който дойде пръв, е победител!

    Насладете се на неописуемото еротично усещане за безусловна интимност с партньора си, защото Straight Shooter е продукт, който може да се използва от двама! Разбира се, можете да използвате Straight Shooter и без партньор с нашия вибратор "Squirter".

    С помощта на нашия много дълбок лубрикант можете да използвате Straight Shooter Buddy sonde се използва. Останалото зависи от вашето въображение. Секси акцент: Осигурили сме нашия звук "От петел до петел" с непрекъснато отваряне ....

    Технически данни: Изработен от медицинска сплав от неръждаема стомана; обработен с ЦПУ и старателно полиран. Общата дължина е приблизително 80 мм, диаметърът е приблизително 8 мм.

    Това също може да ви интересува:



    The Perfect Item for Friend Play

    This is the perfect size for anyone interested in sounding or cumming into someone's cock. At 8mm, it's just right for fitting into most people. There is a chance for a bit of stretching, but with patience, it will go in quite easily into both men. Make sure to use lubricant that is at the very least clear and sugar-free. Try to go for sterile lubricant in order to prevent urinary tract infections.

    Once it is in there, it's simply a matter of jerking off easily. You have to remember you have an item inside that has the potential to scrape. So jerking off easily is a must to prevent scraping the urethra and the major urination pain afterward. It does help to practice without a second guy attached so you can get used to using the sound inside of you.

    The sound, at least for me, got noticeably warmer immediately before I ejaculated. The first time you use it, it might scare you a little bit. Just know this is quite normal or at least it was normal for me. Cum passes through amazingly well.

    Finally, make sure to drink PLENTY of water and urinate (pee) while sitting down. You'll thank me for this later. There is potential for painful (stinging, really) urination afterward for several hours, particularly if you scraped the urethra. Going while sitting down helps in case you scraped or overstretched.

    • 5 от 5 клиенти намериха този преглед за полезен.

    Cock-To-Cock Penis Plug mit einem Typen ausprobiert

    Ich bin ein Freund von Watersport-Aktivitäten, Cum-Spielen und ähnlichen. Jetzt hatte ich endlich die Gelegenheit den Cock-To-Cock Penis Plug mit einem anderen Typen auszuprobieren. Danke der Firma Grindr für die freundliche Unterstützung LOL
    Das war das Intimste und Geilste was ich je gemacht habe.. Das Gefühl wenn jemand in Dir kommt ist sensationell .... Mehr kann ich echt nicht schreiben, sonst bekomme ich gleich wieder einen Ständer.

    • 8 от 8 клиенти намериха този преглед за полезен.

    Ausprobiert und für geil befunden

    Mangels Freund habe ich den Partner-Penisplug mit einem Dildo mit Abspritzfunktion getestet. OMG, das Ding hat in mich reingeschossen. Hammer-, Hammer-, Hammer-Gefühle

    • 5 от 5 клиенти намериха този преглед за полезен.

    Cock to Cock Sound

    I bought a cock to cock sound through MEO-Team ...cool long hollow device!.
    The first time I used it, I came while it was in between us and filled his cock and mine to capicty
    With the excess spilling out. It was so cool that it made him cum....and he came so much...and so hard, it filled up my bladder with his cum and mine! When we pulled out the sound, I was able to "pee" out the huge load of both our ejaculations....like a huge second orgasm.
    It was quite the spectacle...and we did it at a play party...with lots of people watching!

    • 8 от 8 клиенти намериха този преглед за полезен.

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    Cock to Cock sonde - Straight Shooter Buddy sonde

    Cock to Cock sonde - Straight Shooter Buddy sonde

    Който дойде пръв, е победител! Насладете се на неописуемото еротично усещане за безусловна интимност с партньора си, защото Cock-To-Cock-Sound е продукт, който може да се използва от двама!

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