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От 18
Следващите страници са предназначени само за възрастни. С влизането си потвърждавате, че сте навършили 18 години.
I recently took control of my man, he is now my slave as it should be. He obeys my every command now that I have his cock locked up. I highly recommend this to every woman. I make the rules now and I enforce strict discipline with my whips and my strapon cocks! I have all the lovers I want and he goes without orgasm unless I allow it. Every wife or girlfriend should have their inferior males locked up with one of these! I couldn't be more satisfied, he is attentive and obedient now!
This arrived last week, and has been played with 5 or 6 times. The sensation is very pleasant. I do two different things with this - one is to push it in as far as it will go (this does not get near you bladder if you are a guy) pump till you feel it, before it hurts, and then slowly pull it all the way out. The second is to push it all the way in and pump as much as you can handle. Deflate. Move it out a centimeter and pump again. Deflate again and so on until the balloon pops out of your cock. My only criticism is that balloon inflates in a very uneven way - inflated outside the urethra it bends at 90 degrees. I don't think it will do that when in the urethra but it makes me wonder about Quality Control and longevity.
Der Eichelring betont die Eichel des Mannes besonders gut, während die Spermabremse ein gutes Gefühl im Inneren der Eichel auslöst. Bei eintretender Erektion unterstützt die Ring die besonders pralle Füllung der Eichel. Beim Abspritzen ist die Spermabremse das gefühlssteigernde Moment.
I've had these for several months now. Like some of the other reviews, I have increased my usage of my nipple suckers. I love how sensitive they make my nipples. As a man, I'm one of many (silent) others who is in tune with this area of my body. So my nipples are already sensitive; but these toys take that sensitivity to another level entirely! It is amazing how sensitive and arousing it is for something as simple as my t-shirt rubbing against them at times. When used with other toys (with or without a partner) it can really blow your mind!
Ich hatte zuvor den Donut-Ballstretcher mit 55 mm und 500 Gramm, Art Nr. 8814/S05. Dieser ließ sich noch unauffällig zwischen die Beine klemmen und mehr oder weniger bequem während der Arbeit tragen. Jedoch: Einmal auf den Geschmack gekommen, wollte ich schnell mehr! Der abschließbare Ballstretcher mit 70 mm und 1270 Gramm, Art. 1777/S06 sollte es dieses mal werden! Dieser ist schon etwas schwerer zu verbergen. Besonders wenn der nun doch auffällig beschwerte Hodensack seitlich aus der Unterhose rutscht. Wenn man dann so unterwegs ist, lässt es sich nicht verhindern, dass der Blick "gelegentlich" Richtgung Hosenboden wandert, um zu kontrollieren, ob eh keine verräterischen Abdrücke das lustvolle Geheimnis preisgeben. Durch das Vorhängeschloss ergeben sich auch spannende Möglichkeiten, sich selbst zu geißeln (z.B. Schlüssel daheim lassen, wenn man arbeiten geht). Jetzt hätte ich nur noch gerne einen Keyholder, der meine Leidenschaft teilt. :-)
love the sting after each smack and how red it leaves my ass
made extremely well very solid my goddess likes the feel and weight.she loves the smacking sound it makes when she hits me just right,I love the sting after each smack and how red it leaves my ass
Schöne Peitsche – für die man aber definitiv ein wenig Erfahrung haben sollte! Wer sich die Peitsche kauft und noch unsicher ist, kann ja mal üben Lichtschalter auszuschlagen um die Treffsicherheit zu üben. Denn die sollte da sein! Fetzt gut, der Knall gibt den Extrakick und man sehr hübsche Muster auf Hintern und Rücken damit zeichnen. Wer gerne schlägt, wird diese Peitsche lieben!
Enjoy keeping your partner bound and ready with these hospital s
Are you prepping for a medical-style fantasy? Make sure to use these restraints with a more hospital design. They have extra-wide adjustment slots and are constructed out of high-quality leather. There are six adjustment slits and the cuffs can be secured using a lock.