Нова разработка за ефективно наказание от д-р Садо, която съчетава електростимулация и CBT по вълнуващ начин. Ако искате да подарите на своя подчинен едно наистина уникално преживяване и да го доведете до границите на възможностите му, Crush Electro Ball Press на д-р Садо е правилният избор.
Нова разработка на д-р Садо, която съчетава по вълнуващ начин електростимулацията и CBT. Ако искате да подарите на своя подчинен едно наистина уникално изживяване и да го доведете до границите на възможностите му, Crush Electro Ball Press на д-р Садо е правилният избор.
Тя е много лесна за използване: преведете полуеректиралия или нееректиралия пенис и тестисите му през кръглия отвор на нашето устройство. Докато затваряте, издърпайте пениса през втория отвор и затворете всичко с вградените крилчати винтове. Сега можете да включите тока за стимулиране с помощта на приложеното устройство за управление. Можете да избирате между 10 различни нива на интензивност и 6 различни ритъма на стимулация, като го поглезите или накажете.
Стимулацията се осигурява от подложките за стимулиращ ток във вътрешността на устройството, като в същото време се прилага натиск върху тестисите.
Volle Punktzahl!
Ich habe von der Firma MEO schon den Sexshocker und war mit diesem mehr als zufrieden. Die elektrische Hodenpresse war da logischerweise schnell in meinem Warenkorb gelandet und ich habe es bis zum heutigen Tag nicht bereut. Genau wie beim Sexshocker, hat man auch hier wieder zwei Toys in einem: zum einen die mechanische Hodenpresse, zum anderen das integrierte Stromgerät, dass mit seinen verschiedenen Programmen den Sklaven schnell zum zappeln bringt. Macht MIR aufjedenfall sehr viel Freude. Bei meinem Gegenüber bin ich mir da nicht so ganz sicher (die ertönenden Laute schwankten so zwischen Schmerz und Verzückung), aber da ist in diesem Fall ja auch wirklich mal mehr als sekundär. Volle Punktzahl!
Dr. Sado's Crush Electro Ball Press
Wow, this is amazing! I ordered last week and could not wait for it to arrive. Easy to put on . The feeling of shocks going through your balls is just amazing, then when the other settings are used and it just pulses on and off is a feeling that is indescribable. Then my wife adjusted the intensity of the shocks which made me only harder. After all the teasing she made me f **k her while being shocked, When I came it was just pure bliss and so intense that I felt like it was just pulsing as the cum shot out of me. The bolts kind of dug into my wife when I was f**king her but she liked the pain from it as it excited her that she was causing me more pain by the shocks. Cant wait to use this every week.
Crush Electro Ball Press CBT Board
Holly crap! Ouch! Powerful!! This was a "must try" fantasy device for me. Electro-stim... Never looking back. Wow, what a stimulation and turn-on !!
Must have for CBT enthusiast.
Best thing my wife and I have ever bought! Only thing is just know it comes with zero instructions so getting it on, and going thru the electro functions is a bit tricky. Workaround is just put your hand to it and figure it out. Otherwise must have for CBT enthusiast.
I love Dr. Sado
It's possible that my balls will be falling off any time now, but this thing gives a erotic feeling in a place you have likely never considered before. The idea is that the conductors in the top of this device are pressed firmly against your balls so that the electrical stimulation is directed into a virgin area of your balls in an inescapable manner. By using E SHOCK lube, even water, you get an unbelievable stimulation out of the tiny cr 3032 battery. And there is your cock conveniently available sticking right out. If you were very trusting you could let a partner adjust the power level but in any case there is a lot more than this price worth of fun here.
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