С ограничителя за обвързване от неръждаема стомана от MEO ®, така нареченото двойно твърдо желязо, не само осигурявате максимална фиксация, но също така поставяте своя подчинен в особено безпомощна, еротична и напълно достъпна позиция.
С ограничителя за обвързване от неръждаема стомана от MEO ®, така нареченото двойно твърдо желязо, не само осигурявате максимална фиксация, но също така поставяте своя подчинен в особено безпомощна, еротична и напълно достъпна позиция.
Двойното твърдо желязо връзва китките и глезените и не позволява на партньора ви да се измъкне от тази особено унизителна позиция. Ако сте в настроение за особено унизителни сценарии, заповядайте на роба си да остане наведен с изпънати ръце и му позволете да се сгъне леко в коленете. Сега можете да започнете всякакви възбуждащи дейности, защото поставянето на тапи и вибратори е също толкова лесно в тази позиция, колкото и поставянето на генитални скоби и скоби за зърната.
Нашата двойна твърда ютия е изработена от най-добрата неръждаема стомана и впечатлява с висококачествената си изработка. Закопчалката е лесна за управление, така че стълбичката може лесно да се отвори отново по всяко време. След употреба Double Rigid Iron може лесно да се почисти и, разбира се, да се дезинфекцира с нашия спрей VERYCLEAN.
Допълнителна информация:
Edelstahl-Pranger von MEO
Mit dem Edelstahl-Pranger von MEO sorgen Sie nicht nur für eine ausweglose Fixierung, sondern bringen Ihren Partner zudem in eine reizvolle und perfekt zugängliche Stellung. Der Pranger fasst Hand- und Fußgelenke ein und erlaubt es Ihrem Partner während der Fesselung nicht mehr aus der gebeugten Körperhaltung zu entkommen. Wenn Ihnen der Sinn nach besonders demütigenden Szenarien steht, weisen Sie Ihren Partner an, mit gestreckten Armen vornübergebeugt zu verharren und gestatten Sie ihm dabei nur leicht in die Knie zu gehen. Nun lassen sich allerhand erregende oder schmerzvolle Aktionen starten, denn das Einführen von Analplugs und Vibratoren ist in dieser Stellung ebenso einfach wie das Anbringen von Genital- und Nippelclamps.
Great, but not for small wrists
this is really a must have, but the diameter is a bit too large for small wrists, and I could escape (and I'm a man). I'll think of a way to prevent this by adding another set of cuffs on the wrist before locking them in it.
Bondage double rigid iron
This has to be unreal to be locked in. Handcuffs are kids stuff. I'm getting stiff just thinking about being put in it. Wow!
Tolle uni-sex Fessel
Mit dieser Fessel kann man richtig Spaß haben, egal ob Mann oder Frau. Das Ding ist "uni-sex" LOL
Tolle Verarbeitung, können verschlossen werden. Ausbrechen unmöglich.
Qualität und Haltbarkeit sind ohnegleichen. Die kann ich noch meinen Urenkeln vererben
Sehr schöne Stellungen möglich
Mit dem Double Rigid Iron, bzw. Doggy Style Fessel, wie ich sie nenne, sind sehr schöne Stellungen beim Bondage möglich.
Das Produkt hält was es verspricht. Die Qualität ist sehr gut, aus massivem polierten Edelstahl.
Die Lieferung erfolgte direkt am Tag nach meiner Bestellung in einem stabilen, diskreten Karton.
Für diese Preis ist diese Fessel echt erste Sahne!
He used my ass!
I never thought I'd ever do anything like this! I let me my friend put me in this and blindfold and gag me. He took our MEO Power Massager and teased me until I was screaming and crying and begging him to let me cum. Then he shoved his cock down my throat and used the wand to get me off while he he pumped his load into my throat! Awesome! The next time he didn't use my mouth! He used my ass!
I thought that handcuffs were restrictive ...
I thought that handcuffs were restrictive until I was locked in this spreader. I mean, he had cuffed me behind my back naked many times, in front of friends, at an adult theater, and I was fondled and fingered. But when he locked me in this spreader on top of our hassock, I was in a position to have a dick in all two of my holes. His friends all used me until I had cum dripping from both ends.
Doggie style spreader
My Master locked me naked in the "doggie style spreader" just like the picture shows in the backyard and he blindfolded me. Just when I thought I was going to be pounded all evening, I felt streams of warm p..... showering my body. This went on for hours and I seemed to be constantly soaked. I never found out who did the deeds.
It was the best Birthday present ever!!!
I loved this! My master fucked the hell out of My ass for an hour while others looked on...one by one they took turns nailing My tight ass and an hour later I had taken SEVEN loads in My tight former Marine ass. All this was done safely with condoms. ..it was the best Birthday present ever!!!
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