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От 18
Следващите страници са предназначени само за възрастни. С влизането си потвърждавате, че сте навършили 18 години.
Was very easy to install. The price was very reasonable and it arrived sooner than I expected. Very pleased overall and would buy more items from MEO in the future.
Shipped in a black zipped case, ideal for storing your plug for travel, or away in your toy drawer.
On opening the case, you will find; The Anal Master, plug winding key, padlock with locking bar, instructions, two condoms and some lubrication.
The first thing i noticed was the size of the plug. In its closed state, it has an insertable length of 108mm, with a girth ranging from 32mm at its tip to 40mm at its widest point, similar to the girth of many prostate massagers.
This beautifully crafted anal plug is designed as a chastity device. Made from stainless steel and aluminium, this plug is smooth and has some weight to it too (500g). For the chastity side of things to work, the plug has three wings that open when the winding key is rotated. this can take the girth up to 85mm.
With the girth being controllable, it is easily adjustable to your own preference, so it makes it ideal for anal beginners who would like to start off small and increase size gradually.
Something i like about the way in which the lock works is that the pin position is adjustable, so it can easily be aligned to allow for maximum comfort underneath clothing for prolonged wear.
So down to the actual testing. Having only reviewed one other anal device (Lelo -Loki), i was initially concerned about the girth, but after a comparison it was really mind over matter as they were very similar in size.
The plug is supplied with condoms to slide over the device, this helps with insertion, and also protects during use for cleaning reasons. There are many internal areas that could get dirt lodged when the plug is expanded, so i would recommend using one when playing with this plug.
After a suitable amount of lubricant, the plug began its voyage. there isn’t much of a gradient on initial insertion, so you quickly get to the maximum closed girth. gentle persistence was key.
The plug sits very nicely once inside, the end plate nestled between my cheeks.
Next was to open the wings. There is no visual guide as to how far open the wings are, so everything is judged by the internal feeling of fullness. I adjusted the wings whilst in a standing position so i could judge if the plug would easily slide back out.
After winding the wheel for some time, i could certainly feel the plug expanding inside, and the fullness it gave was a strange sensation.
Time to put the plug through its paces, a few star jumps and squat thrusts and this thing was well and truly plugged in, no movement or shift at all.
I decided to test the plug over a 24 hour period so i could gather comfort factors from a daily aspect. Sleeping with the plug was less uncomfortable than i had imagined. Once i was settled in bed i pretty much forgot it was there.
However, sitting up in bed the following morning i was given a reminder that it was! The locking pin section pushed the end plate against my tail bone. after a readjustment of my sitting position it was a little more comfortable.
Through the day i knew it was there from the weight i felt in my anus, but no real discomfort. Sitting again pushed against my tail bone, and readjustment was required.
All in all a fairly comfortable experience, but as its a chastity device you would not really expect pleasurable comfort now would you.
I’m sure this plug could be used in many BDSM scenes, punishments etc..
I really enjoyed this plug, and its opened my eyes to the world of chastity for men.
Monkey’s Verdict
A very well made and clever plug. Easy to use solo, and despite its ferocious look when the 3 wings are opened fully, it is very comfortable and quite pleasant. It certainly gives the felling of fullness, and it works perfectly as a chastity device.
Read full review: http://www.justmonkeybusiness.co.uk/Blog/Reviews/meo-anal-master/
Meine Frau wendet sie bei mir an und ich muss sagen das macht mich TOTAL GEIL, es gibt nichts geileres als wenn die Nippel schön zwiebeln beim Sex. Und mit diesen Klemmen funktioniert das einfach perfekt.
Geil und gut. Das Anbringen ist einfach. Es könnten jedoch noch mehrere Gewichtsabstufungen angeboten werden. Grundsätzlich machen uns die Gewichte eine Riesenfreude bei Nippelklemmen oder bei meinem Parachute-Ballstretcher.
Wunderschöne geflochtene Peitsche, liegt super in der Hand und verbreitet bitterböse Schmerzen. Man sollte schon ein wenig Erfahrung im Schlagen haben, bevor man sich an diese Peitsche heranwagt bzw die Zielgenauigkeit üben, dann ist sie einfach perfekt für Abstrafungen jeder Art. Leder riecht toll, Verarbeitung ist für den Preis absolut in Ordnung und hübsch aussehen tut sie auch noch.
Ich habe bis jetzt mehrere andere Marken und Gele ausprobiert, meist auf Wasserbasis, und habe mich meistens ärgern müssen. Zu klebrig, zu schnell trocken, zu unergiebig. Dann habe ich mir einfach mal die Rezessionen bei Meo angesehen. Die vielen positiven Bewertungen sprachen für sich! Danke an die Rezensenten vor mir, deren 5 Sterne-Bewertungen die Auswahl zu 90% beeinflusst haben!
Erst einmal sollte man wissen, dass dies ein wGel auf Silikonbasis ist. Gut geeignet für die Massage des gesamten Körpers und als Gleitgel. Super ergiebig, wenige Tropfen reichen schon(je nach Körperregion), also vorsichtig öffnen, damit man nicht alles auskippt:). Tolles, angenehmes und samtiges Gefühl, und es stimmt wirklich, es trocknet einfach nicht sondern bleibt geschmeidig. Dadurch benötigt man also auch nur ganz wenig und muss nicht(oder nur ganz selten)nochmal nachölen.
Die Gele auf Silikonbasis, vertragen oder mögen nicht alle. Die Variante in 100ml sollte für sehr lange Zeit reichen.
+ Das Gleitgel besitzt das CE Zeichen und ist somit absolut sicher! + Latexkondomsicher + Öl, fettfrei, farb und Geruchlos + Keine Konservierungsstoffe
Fazit: 5 Sterne und super empfehlenswert, und wie meine Vorrezensenten schon sagten, die Suche nach einem funktionierenden Gleit- und Massagefluid endet hier. Ach ja, der Preis ist auch gut, bzw. evtl. sogar sehr günstig für die Qualität!
I was sick of razor burn down there. Looked like I had every disease going for a couple of days, in which time hair had grown back. Don't know what I started doing differently to usual, but I was done.
My fella had some of this stuff so I gave it ago.
I was a bit nervous at first due to the burning warnings. Not something you want to happen in that area.
But after first use I was comfortable with it and I've probably exceeded the maximum time a few times and I've been fine. BABY SMOOTH! No rashes or burns so far.
Je suis très excité par ce produit mais , hélas, j'ai de très grosses couilles et je n'arrive pas à le mettre . Serait il possible de m'expliquer comment y arriver de façon simple ? Ou y a t'il un modèle avec un trou plus grand ? Merci d'avance